2014 Dodge Avenger Blacktop Edition

2014 Dodge Avenger Blacktop Edition



60 Posts

Welcome to the forum bruh! I'm new here too.




52 Posts

I have a blacktop as well



734 Posts

no wind noise on mine, better take it back to the dealer.



6,872 Posts

Hello and welcome! :wavey:

Good to have you with us, I hope you enjoy the board! :)



279 Posts

Mine has very little wind noise, it is very quiet in general. Yours might need some adjustments...

I have noticed a similar thing with the heat, if the dash vents are on at all, my feet don't get very warm. I figured it was just because of the crazy cold weather we have been having.




839 Posts

Welcome to the Forumz, post some pictures when you get a chance.




38 Posts

Good Day People,
I'm pusha9 the new kid on the block. Feb 20 I purchased A Avenger Redline Blacktop. Longtime coming for a new car. Has anyone had problems with wind noise? My drivers door has wind noise and it drives me crazy. Also when I have the windshield defrost on I feel cold air on my feet. Has anyone had this problem and if so what was the problem???

Let me know please?


since day 1 my car has had bad wind noise. i think its the rubber seal. As for the vents, i took mine to the dealer. when its to feet and face i only get flow to my feet. defrost goes only to my face, and face setting only to the defroster. i took it in and the dealer tested it on 2 different avengers. they said that they noticed the problem and filed a report to dodge about the situation. it was over a month ago, and i have not heard anything back. they said it was the way that the knobs inside were set up. ill have to go back and see if they found anything.




48 Posts

Welcome!! Post some photos!!!!!
I would let the dealer know about the wind noise for sure.

2014 Dodge Avenger Blacktop Edition

Source: https://www.avengerforumz.com/threads/2014-avenger-blacktop-edition.55907/


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